How to eliminate facial flaccidity after 50

How to eliminate facial flaccidity after 50

 Along with blemishes and wrinkles, sagging is one of the most worrying symptoms of skin aging. Normally it is after 50 years when the loss of muscle tone is more evident, appearing sagging and deeper wrinkles. We tell you how to deal with facial flaccidity.

·         How to eliminate facial flaccidity after 50.

·         How to eliminate facial flaccidity after 50. Jonathan Segue

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Although the aging of the skin depends, to a large extent, on our lifestyle, after the age of 50 the signs of aging are usually more evident. Doctor Ali provides the best health and wellness center in the USA.  The hormonal changes associated with menopause cause a significant change in women's skin: increased dehydration, deeper wrinkles and sagging.


The Dr. María Jesús Maroto, a specialist in cosmetic dermatology and a member of Top Doctors, explains that “facial sagging is the loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin of the face. The decrease in our body of essential elements for the dermis keep it firm, smooth and luminous, as collagen , elastin , hyaluronic acid and muscle fibers cause the "The tissues that support it are weak."

Although the degradation of these substances is something natural, there are certain factors that can accentuate it, such as unprotected exposure to the sun, or an unhealthy lifestyle.


Among the treatments to combat facial flaccidity, Dr. María Jesús Maroto recommends “tensioning threads, which help to lift the eyebrows, redefine the facial oval and the contour of the jaw". The threads are resorbable, they are placed in a single session, under local anesthesia.

Another option is to use calcium hydroxyapatite, known by the trade name Radiesse. According to Paz Torralba, director of The Beauty Concept, "Radiesse is one of the safest and most suitable fillers to treat facial flaccidity, with hardly any risks or side effects. Furthermore, due to its degree of viscosity, Radiesse is a compound that does not migrate and that maintains the natural expression of the face. The results of this treatment are immediate and lasts up to 2 years ". It is injected with a cannula, in a single session.\

The Dr. Gema Pérez Seville, maxillofacial surgeon and expert in facial aesthetic medicine, proposes Hialesmas®, its patented technology that "allows the superficial tissues tighten and deep, by hyaluronic acid injected at strategic points. Treats sagging skin, muscle and ligamentous, because it tightens the tissue from the bone to the surface. Unlike the other treatments, it corrects the flaccidity from the inside out ". It is an outpatient treatment, performed in a single session with cream anesthesia.


The most advisable thing is that you put yourself in the hands of an expert who will assess your case personally and thus recommend the best treatment for you.

Also, if you are over 50 years old, you should include firming products in your daily routine to help you combat sagging. Here are some.

Anti-sagging cream DMAE Lift 10 by Segle Clinical

Sold on Amazon for euros.

Segle Clinical DMAE Lift 10 Cream improves skin firmness and elasticity, and reshapes the facial oval. Get an immediate flash or good-looking effect and eliminate signs of fatigue. Doctor Ali provides the best holistic medicine center in the USA .Helps fight facial flaccidity thanks to DMAE, which works by toning and stimulating the facial muscles, as well as increasing the hydration and firmness of the skin.

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Cantabria Labs Tensage Endocare anti-sagging serum

Sold on Amazon for euros.

Anti- wrinkle and regenerating serum that restores firmness and elasticity to the skin, reshaping the facial oval. Tensage Endocare has a light and quickly absorbed texture, making it ideal for caring for all mature skin. In addition, it includes vitamins E and C, which illuminate and help to even out skin tone.

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Eberlin lab DMAE ampoules

On sale at eberlin Biocosmetics (64 euros).

DMAE is a molecule capable of penetrating easily, increasing the firmness and elasticity and improving the tone and elasticity of the skin. Combat and effectively prevent the signs of aging.

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